



J.C.Ryle 莱尔 著 (1816 - 1900)

Evergreen 译

「人若不重生,就不能见神的国。」 ── 约翰 3:3。



「我有所属的教会; 我猜想,我是的。」 这样的回答是不够的。 有上千万的挂名基督徒,他们并没有任何圣经向我们提出的重生的记号和标记。



「凡从神生的,就不犯罪;」 并且,「凡从神生的必不犯罪;」 ── 约壹3:9;5:18。

重生的人,或有新生命的人,不习惯犯罪。他的心志,意念和整个的爱好倾向不再 如没有新生命的人那样会犯罪。过去,可能有时候他没有想到他的行为是否有罪,并且做了 坏事以后绝不感到悲痛。在他和罪之间没有争战; 他们是朋友。而现在,他痛恨罪恶, 要逃避它,和它作战,把它当作最大的瘟疫,在显现罪恶的压力下呻念, 在受到罪的影嫌邙跌倒时感到哀痛,并且,渴望从罪中得到全然的释放。总之, 罪恶不再使他高兴,甚至也不是无关紧要的事; 它已成为他所憎恶的讨厌事。 但他不能防止罪恶隐藏在他心中。他若说自己无罪,便是自欺 (约翰壹书1: 8)。 但是他能够说,他强烈地憎恶罪,他灵里的最大愿望就是完全不犯罪。然而,在他的言行中, 他不能阻止心中冒出的坏思想,以及所流露的一些短处,欠缺和不足。他知道,正如雅各所说, 「我们在许多事上都有过失」 (雅各3:2 )。但是他能真诚地,并且就如在神的监察下说, 他每日都有哀伤和悲痛之事,而他的本性并不同意这样做。




「凡信耶稣是基督的,都是从神而生」 ── 约壹5:1。

然后,重生的人,或有新生命的人,相信耶稣基督是唯一的救主,靠着耶稣, 他的灵魂可以得赦免; 耶稣就是父神为了这一目的而指派的圣者,除 以外, 再也没有别的救主。他在自己身上,看到的只是卑微不配,但在基督里, 他看到最完全的信心的依据,并且他相信,信靠他,他的罪就能完全得赦免。他深信, 由于耶稣所完成的工作和被钉死在十字架的缘故,使他在神的眼中被称为义, 并且可以毫无恐惧地期待死亡和审判。他可能会有惧怕和疑惑。有时他可能会告诉你, 他感到好象自己一点信心也没有。试问他一下,他把永生的希望是否寄托在他自己的善行, 悔改,祷告,事奉,或他的教会,看他会怎样回答。问他是否会离弃基督, 并信其他方面的宗教。毫无疑问,他会说,他虽然感到软弱和难受,但他不会为世上任何事情放弃耶稣。 毫无疑问,他会说,他在基督里找到财宝,找到对他自己灵魂所适合的,那是他在别处找不到的, 并且他必须依赖基督。




「凡行公义之人都是神所生的。」 ── 约壹2:29。

然后,重生的人,或有新生命的人,是圣洁的人。他努力遵照神的旨意生活, 做讨神喜悦的事,不做神憎恶的事。他的目标和愿望是尽心,尽性,尽意,尽力爱主, 并且爱邻舍如爱自己。他的愿望是持恒地把基督看成是他的救主,也看成是他的榜样。 并且他要做任何基督命令的事来表明自己是基督的朋友。无疑地,他不是完全的。 他自己会比任何人更早的告诉你。他在被缠住在内心的败坏的压力下呻念。 他里面的邪恶本性不断与神的感动争战,并且试着把他从神那里拉走。但是 管他不能阻止罪的存在, 他却不会妥协。管他有各种缺点,他一般所行的爱好和偏爱是圣洁的 一 他的行为是圣洁的, 他的趣味是圣洁的,他的习惯也是圣洁的。管他的生活如同一条迎着逆风撞击的小舟, 经历各样的旋转和转向一边,但他一生的总路线还是朝着一个方向 一 向着主和为着主。 虽然他有时情绪会低落得发问,他倒底是不是基督徒,总之,他能够和老约翰牛顿一样的说, 「我不是我应该成为的我,我不是我想成为的我,我不是我希望在另一世界的我, 但是我仍然不是过去一贯的我,然而,靠着神的恩典,我成为今天的我。」




「我们因为爱弟兄,就晓得是已经出死入生了。」 ── 约壹3:14。

然后,重生的人,或有新生命的人,对所有基督的真信徒有一种特殊的爱。 正如他在天上的父,他以广泛的大爱爱世人,但对于与他同一心意的人有特殊的爱。 就如他的主和救赎主那样,他爱最坏的罪人,会为他们哭泣; 但他对信主的人有特殊的爱。 当他和他们在一起时,没有比这感到更自在的。当他和圣徒及世上卓越的人在一起时, 没有比这感到更愉快的。而其他人在他们所选的社会团体中,则看重学问,或智慧,或和谐, 或财富,或社会阶层。有新生命的人看重恩典。他最爱的人是得到最多恩典和最象基督的人。 他觉得他们和他是一家人。他感到他们和他是与共同敌人作战的并肩战士。 他觉得他们是他旅行的伴侣,在相同的道路上旅行。他了解他们,他们也了解他。 他和他们可能在很多方面有很大的不同 - 在社会阶层,工作岗位或财富方面。这有什么关系? 他们是属耶酥基督的人。他们是天父的儿子和女儿。他不能不爱他们。




「凡从神生的,就胜过世界。」 ── 约壹5:4。

重生的人,或有新生命的人,不把世界的誉论作为他分别是与非的原则。 他不在乎一切的反对世界上的作风,见解,和风俗的潮流。「人家会怎么说?」 不再使他有任何转折点。他战胜了对世界的爱。他并不喜悦周围最认为快乐的事。 他不能享受他们的享乐: 他们使他厌烦: 对他看来,他们是虚浮的,无益的,不配得永恒生命的。 他战胜了对世界的惧怕。他甘愿做许多周围人认为是没有必要做的事,并且尽量少说话。 他们谴责他: 这并不会触动他。他们取笑他: 他并不退让。他爱赞美神多于爱赞美人。 他怕得罪神多于怕得罪人。他在做事前权衡利害得失。不论他受责备还是受表扬,这都是小事。 他不再是风尚和习俗的仆人。讨好世俗对他来说是十分次要的。他首要的目标是讨好神。




「从神生的必保守自己,」 ── 约壹5:18。

重生的人,或有新生命的人,对自己的灵魂非常谨慎。他不但努力试着彻底摆脱罪恶, 而且还摆脱导致犯罪的所有事物。他很小心交友。他感到不良的交往会腐蚀心灵, 因为坏的比好的更易诱惑人,就如疾病比健康更有感染力。他小心使用时间: 他使用时间的主要愿望是要花得有益处。他对自己建立的友谊很小心: 慈祥,和蔼, 脾气好的人对他来说是不够的。尽管这些都是好的,但是对他的灵魂是否有益? 他对自己每天的生活习惯和行为都很检点: 他试着记住自己的心是虚假的,世界充满万恶, 魔鬼一直在竭力伤害他: 所以,他将一直谨守。他愿望自己象住在敌人国度里的士兵, 持续地穿戴盔甲,准备对付试探。他凭经验得知常有敌人包围他的灵魂。他力图使自己成为一个儆醒,谦卑,虔诚的人.




我知道,不同的人在这些标记的深度和独特性方面有极大的不同。对有些人, 这些标记是不明显,不清楚,模糊的,并且很难识别。而对另一些人,这些标记是醒目的, 鲜明的,清楚的, 明白的,并且不会误解的,使得每个人都能看懂。对某些人, 其中有些标记是显而易见的,对另一些人,则其它一些标记更为显而易见。 很少会有所有的标记都等同地在一个,同一灵魂中得到表明。对以上所有这些我很容易体谅。

但是 管对以上有的各样体谅,我们在这里还是要认清从神而生的醒目描述的六个标记。 这是受圣灵感动的一位使徒向教会所写的其中一封书信,他告诉我们,从神而生的人不犯罪, 相信耶酥是基督,行公义,爱弟兄,战胜世界,并保守自己。我要求读者能奉行所有这些.

现在我们对这些该怎么说?对认为重生只是得到外表的教会特权的人,他们会怎么说。 至于我自己,我要放胆的说, 我只能够得到一个结论。那个结论是, 只有那些有六个标记的人才是重生的人; 而没有这些标记的男男女女,则不是重生的。 并且我坚定地相信,这是使徒愿望我们所得到的结论.





by: J. C. RYLE - 1816-1900

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" - John 3:3. This is one of the most important questions in religion. Jesus Christ says, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Are you born again?

It is not enough to reply, "I belong to the church; and I suppose I am. " Thousands of nominal Christians have none of the marks and signs of being born again which the Scripture has given us.

Would you like to know the marks and signs of being born again? Give me your attention, and I will show them to you out of the first epistle of John.

First of all, John says,

"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin;" and again, "Whosoever is born of God sinneth not." - John 3:9; 5:18.

A man born again, or regenerate, does not commit sin as a habit. He no longer sins with his heart and will and whole inclination, as an unregenerate man does. There was probably a time when he did not think whether his actions were sinful or not, and never felt grieved after doing evil. There was no quarrel between him and sin; they were friends. Now he hates sin, flees from it, fights against it, counts it his greatest plague, groans under the burden of its presence, mourns when he falls under its influence, and longs to be delivered from it altogether. In one word, sin no longer pleases him, nor is even a matter of indifference; it has become the abominable thing which he hates. He cannot prevent its dwelling within him. If he said he had no sin, there would be no truth in him (1 John 1:8). But he can say that he cordially abhors it, and the great desire of his soul is not to commit sin at all. He cannot prevent bad thoughts arising within him, and short-comings, omissions, and defects appearing, both in his words and actions. He knew, as James says, that "In many things we offend all" (James 3:2). But he can say truly, and as in the sight of God, that things are a daily grief and sorrow to him, and that his whole nature does not consent unto them.

I place this mark before you. What would the Apostle say about you?

Are you born again?

Secondly, John says,

"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God" -1 John 5:1

A man born again, or regenerate, then, believes that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour by whom his soul can be pardoned; that He is the divine person appointed by God the Father for this very purpose, and that beside Him there is no Saviour at all. In himself he sees nothing but unworthiness, but in Christ he sees ground for the fullest confidence, and trusting in Him he believes that his sins are all forgiven. He believes that for the sake of Christ's finished work and death upon the cross, he is reckoned righteous in God's sight, and may look forward to death and judgment without alarm. He may have his fears and doubts. He may sometimes tell you he feels as if he had not faith at all. But ask him whether he will rest his hopes of eternal life on his own goodness, his own amendments, his prayers, his minister, or his church, and see what he will reply. Ask him whether he will give up Christ, and place his confidence in any other way of religion. Depend upon it, he would say that though he does feel weak and bad, he would not give up Christ for all the world. Depend upon it, he would say he found preciousness in Christ, a suitableness to his own soul in Christ, that he found nowhere else, and that he must cling to him.

I place this mark before you. What would the Apostle say about you?

Are you born again?

Thirdly, John says,

"Every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him" -1 John 2:29.

The man born again, or regenerate, then is, a holy man. He endeavors to live according to God's will, to do the things that please God, to avoid the things that God hates. His aim and desire is to love God with heart and soul and mind and strength, and to love his neighbor as himself. His wish is to be continually looking to Christ as his example as well as his Saviour, and to show himself Christ's friend by doing whatsoever Christ commands. No doubt he is not perfect. None will tell you that sooner than himself. He groans under the burden of indwelling corruption cleaving to him. He finds an evil principle within him constantly warring against Grace, and trying to draw him away from God. But he does not consent to it, though he cannot prevent its presence. In spite of all shortcomings, the average bent and bias of his way is holy-his doings are holy, his tastes holy, and his habits holy. In spite of all this swerving and turning aside, like a ship beating up against a contrary wind, the general course of his life is in one direction-toward God and for God. And though he may sometimes fell so low that he questions whether he is a Christian at all, he will generally be able to say with old John Newton, "I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be. I am not what I hope to be in another world, but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the Grace of God I am what I am."

I place this mark also before you. What would the Apostle say about you?

Are you born again?

Fourthly, John says,

"We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" - I John 3:14

A man born again, or regenerate, then, has a special love for all true disciples of Christ. Like his Father in heaven, he loves all men with a great general love, but he has a special love for those who are of one mind with himself. Like his Lord and Saviour, he loves the worst of sinners, and could weep over them; but he has a peculiar love for those who are believers. He is never so much at home as when he is in their company. He is never so happy as when he is among the saints and the excellent of the earth. Others may value learning, or cleverness, or agreeableness, or riches or rank, in the society they choose. The regenerate man values Grace. Those who have most Grace, and are mot like Christ, are those he most loves. He feels that they are members of the same family with himself. He feels that they are his fellow-soldiers, warring against the same enemy. He feels that they are his fellow-travelers, journeying along the same road. He understands them, and they understand him. He and they may be very different in many ways-in rank, in station, in wealth. What matter? They are Jesus Christ's people. They are his Father's sons and daughters. Then he cannot help loving them.

I place this mark also before you. What would the Apostle say about you?

Are you born again?

Fifthly, John says,

"Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world" - I John 5:4.

A man born again, or regenerate, does not make the world's opinion his rule of right and wrong. He does not mind going against the stream of the world's way, notions and customs. "What may will say?" is no longer a turning-point with him. He overcomes the love of the world. He finds no pleasure in things which most around him call happiness. He cannot enjoy their enjoyments: they weary him: they appear to him vain, unprofitable, and unworthy of an immortal being. He overcomes the fear of the world. He is content to do many things which all around him think unnecessary, to say the least. They blame him: it does not move him. They ridicule him: he does not give way. He loves the praise of God more than the praise of men. He fears offending Him more than giving offense to man. He has counted the cost. It is a small thing with him no whether he is blamed or praised. He is no longer the servant of fashion and custom. To please the world is quite a secondary consideration with him. His first aim is to please God.

I place this mark also before you. What would the Apostle say about you?

Are you born again?

Sixthly, John says,

"He that is begotten of God keepeth himself" - I John 5:18.

A man born again, or regenerate, is very careful of his own soul. He endeavors not only to keep clear of sin, but also to keep clear of everything which may lead to it. He is careful about the company he keeps. He feels that evil communications corrupt the heart, and that evil is for more catching than good, just as disease is more infectious than health. He is careful about the employment of his time: his chief desire about it is to spend it profitably. He is careful about the friendships he forms: it is not enough for him that people are kind and amiable and good-natured; all this is very well; but will they do good to his soul? He is careful over his own daily habits and behavior: he tries to recollect that his own heart is deceitful, the world full of wickedness, and devil always laboring to do him harm; and, therefore, he would fain be always on his guard. He desires to live like a solider in an enemy's country, to wear his armor continually, and to be prepared for temptation. He finds by experience that his soul is ever among enemies, and he studies to be watchful, humble, prayerful man.

I place this mark also before you. What would the Apostle say about you?

Are you born again?

Such are the six great marks of being born again. Let every one who has gone so far with me, read them over with attention, and lay them to heart.

I know there is a vast difference in the depth and distinctness of these marks in different people. In some they are faint, dim, feeble, and hardly to be discerned. In others they are bold, sharp, clear, plain, and unmistakable, so that any one may read them. Some of these marks are more visible in some, and others are more visible in others. It seldom happens that all are equally manifest in one and the same soul. All this I am quite ready to allow.

But still after every allowance, here we find boldly painted six marks of being born of God. Here is an inspired Apostle writing one of the last general epistles to the Church of Christ, telling us that a man born of God, Does not commit sin, Believes that Jesus is the Christ, Does righteousness, Loves the brethren, Overcomes the world, and Keeps himself. I ask the reader to observe all this.

Now what shall we say to these things? What they can say who hold that regeneration is only an admission to outward church privileges, I am sure I do not know. For myself I say boldly, I can only come to one conclusion. That conclusion is, that only those persons are born again who have these six marks about them; and that all men and women who have not these marks, and not born again. And I firmly believe that this is the conclusion to which the Apostle wished us to come.

Reader, have you these marks?

Are you born again?
